steps to becoming a member


fac holders

you will need to collect membership forms from the club

next step is to attend the induction course this is designed to explain how we run the club and basic safety principles

4 supervised visits must be attended within the 6 month probationary period before full membership can be given

non f.a.c holders (newbies) 

you will need to collect membership forms from the club

next step is to attend the induction course this is designed to explain how we run the club and basic safety principles

a minimum of 16 supervised visits must be attended within the 3-6 month probationary period before full membership can be given  

a range officer is provided to you for every visit they will train you from a novice to a competent shooter on both safety and discipline

a firearms certificate can only be applied for from your local police firearms department the requirements are that you must have completed 16 visits in a minimum of a 3 month period and that you have become a full member of the club

applying for your license is not required or uncommon and you are still free to use the club facilities and become a full member

please contact the club if you have any questions